Basic Astrology: Discover the Sky


Yazar: Şenay Devi
Yayıncı ‏ : İnkılap Kitabevi;
Yıl: 2022
Dil ‏ : ‎İngilizce

Stok: 5 adet stokta

Ürün Açıklaması

This book was written with the purpose of correcting misconceptions about astrology, which is a social science that utilizes the science of astronomy, and replacing these misconception with correct information. Astrology is a guide that interprets the spiritual path that God has planned for us. One who follows a path with such a guide will not be led astray and reach his destination with ease with sure guidelines. May the sky be your guide and your path be enlightened.

Alışveriş Sepeti
Basic Astrology: Discover the SkyBasic Astrology: Discover the Sky

Stok: 5 adet stokta

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